The Project
“Shizuoka Speaks” is a grant-funded research project investigating the effects of culture and immersion education on Japanese and English language learning in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. In 2010, interviews with Japanese national students who had experienced language education outside of Japan, other Asian students currently studying the Japanese language in Japan, and ethnically Japanese language teachers took place in Shizuoka City, to document their views and experiences. “Shizuoka Speaks” is the culmination of these interviews, a limited duration podcast series showcasing the different issues related to language learning and culture and offering a context from which to understand them more. Focusing on a different theme every week, it strives to give listeners a more empathetic understanding of what it means to study a language and live in Japan and other parts of Asia–and what that says about the changing landscapes of these places in a globalizing world.