Inside Japan, Outside Japan
Transcripts: English 日本語 How do people REALLY feel about Japan? How does it compare with other countries in Asia? We hear from Shizuoka natives Kotomi and Susan, as well as Manasi, from India, Ria, from Indonesia, and Phan, from Vietnam. [Translate]
Transcripts: English 日本語 What in the world is kokoro? And what does it have to do with life in Japan? For the first episode of Shizuoka Speaks, we talk with a half-Japanese, half-Chinese student and Japanese teacher of English about how this concept affects how Japanese people live and grow…starting from their school days. [Translate]
Welcome to Shizuoka Speaks!
Transcripts: English 日本語 Welcome to the website for Shizuoka Speaks! Here, we talk about language learning and culture in Shizuoka City, in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Each week we will feature guests with different perspectives and stories. Why should you care? Well, listen to find out more about the project! Our first episode releases April 24. […]